lundi 15 octobre 2012

CFSL workshop 2012!

Here's a proof I went to the cfsl workshop... my badge! hahaa. anyway.

I kind of dared myself to draw every speaker I went to see... and there is one missing :'( Henscher, but it s okay, his class was so interesting and that's why I didn't think about drawing him (not that the others were uninteresting though! he was talking about something I don t know well at all); for those who don't know him, he is the scenarist of the french comic "le banni" (which sadly I didn't read... yet) and his speech was about scenario... obviously. And for someone wanting to make a graphic novel someday it is quiiiite interesting :)

Either way, I butchered some sketches of Sandoval (he tested out Simon's tablet, leaving him with an autographed drawing *jealous*) very nice guy :) Also, Clement Lefevre, Serge Birault, Simon Loche, Francois Delaroziere, Jean Sebastien Rossbach, Mathieu Lauffray, Frederic Nagorny and well I forgot Marc Simonetti too actually.

*not the correct order of the drawings... so you can try to "guess who"! Amazing!*

My other favorite speech was Lauffray's; also about scenario but more from the artist side; story telling, style (do what you like to do!), all of this while his gorgeous drawings where looping on the projector, spoiling us about the ending of Long John Silver... Thanks Mat! : D

The models at the cfsl. The right one actually had a pretty face, sorry! -_-

sketching in the lounge ("la ou tu bois et tu t allounge"... J ai repete ca a chaque fois qu on parlait du lounge... comprenne qui pourra :p)

And stuff, not necessarily from the workshop.


mardi 2 octobre 2012

September dump

Hey there! nothing much this month; some studies, some experiments and an old man of Namur...