mercredi 29 mai 2013

noah's artcamp 2.1

week 2 is now coming to an end; we had to make color studies, one full master study and... imaginative color studies. This was hard after feeling good about studying the masters since the whole picture was already figured out; coming back to your own imagination and your own skills is hard. But still fun :) I made 26 quick sketches, sometimes 10-15 minutes, and 2 of them 30-1h trying to figure out some good way to arrange the colors. Very painful when you stuck to value drawings for so long :D anyway, put on some good music, forget the difficulties and go painting!

studies (some kazuo oga, rockwell, jaime jones, thomas moran, jean leon gerome, waterhouse, sargent, ilya repine... )

 first 1h sketch


30 minutes-ish

 full study (original by Granville Redmond)

mercredi 22 mai 2013

noah's artcamp 1.2

my last master studies; couldn't finish the leyendecker piece, I hope I'll have the time to do it later; it was so much fun to paint!

this one could have use more work on the clouds and some tweaks, but it was time to move out


lundi 20 mai 2013

noah art camp 1.1

I decided to sacrifice some sleep and participate to noah bradley's art camp !  3 months of study that began last week. first assignment is about old masters and we have  to do 50 3-value studies, 50 color studies and 3 full master studies; here's my work so far:

first full study after Jean Leon Gerome's "soldat ethiopien"

 colors studies

 value studies

personnal sketches soon, I still have to figure out how to configure my new scanner...