mercredi 26 juin 2013

noah's art camp 6.1 photostudies

ahoy! fun week; I tried to make things more polished, especially the one imaginative sketch

here it is:
just for fun here's the first draft:

and the studies:

mercredi 19 juin 2013

Noah art camp 5.1 plein air

So this week was the hardest IMO, and also the most disappointing. All in all I learned a lot about what not to do actually :p

I decided I wanted to give a try at gouache, and boy was it difficult to get back to this. I don't remember when was the last time I used that. So first paintings where a complete disaster that I won't even bother to show mostly because I was being impatient with the paint. But I stuck to it and finally made something readable; not the best but it gave me the little bit of confidence I needed. Definitely will do more of that after the camp! 

In the end I lost a considerable amount of time trying to get something out of gouache and to my regret I could't produce as much as I wanted. Anyway, here it is:

and that one is a color study from one of Ruo Li's paintings (photoshop this time)

some pencil sketches (frustrated I couldn't do more)

and a little scribble

Now I'll get back to crying while looking at Nathan Fawkes land's sketches


mercredi 12 juin 2013

noah's art camp 4.1 (self)portraits!

portraits week indeed, I've seen some really impressive stuff in the camp group :) here's my work for the week:

quick studies; 20 to 40 minutes

first self portrait! 5 hours-ish

second one; was eager too see someone else's face so I left it there. Process is thus still showing; I always start with a line drawing, pretty rough, then block in some rough colors. After that I correct the shapes while refining the colors. 

aand someone else :) 2 hours on this one
A little advancement on this one

and a new imaginative one :)


mercredi 5 juin 2013

noah's artcamp 3.1

still life week! I've been sick and lost three days, so I couldn't finish the assignment :( Week 4, I will not fail you!

I managed to make 2 full studies, 3 color studies and 8 imagination sketches.

4-5hours on this one

I still have a hard time developing a story with the landscapes ones, I guess I don't have a good mental library for those yet. On the to do list!


30-40 min each