jeudi 8 août 2013

I'm back!

okay I've missed a couple of weeks (busy moving) but now I'm back on tracks! Still got some unopen boxes but meh. Art.

I worked the last week of the artcamp (theme was "finish something"), and spent half of it  creating a little design to put on the luggage I'll be using while travelling a month in... KOREA! yes, finally! 22nd august to 23rd september I'll be filling the pages of my sketchbook with a lots of korea's awesomeness, I hope I can convey a bit of it for you.

Noah's artcamp was a great experience and I'm really glad (and thankful) I did it. There is a re-run in winter and I'll make sure to surpass myself :) A thousand thanks to Noah Bradley, all the awesome fellow campers, and of course my amazing "classroom" buddies!!


space and robots

a travelling reminder that I need to keep improving :)

composition studies

couple of thumbs pages, really fun to do with good music :)

I'll be working on robots before my big trip so stay tuned!

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